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AHCS accredited MSc Clinical Exercise Physiology programme 


AHCS accredited Clinical Exercise Physiology MSc programmes must ensure that the graduates meet the AHCS Standards of Proficiency, that are in line with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency, and the Clinical Exercise Physiologist Scope of Practice. The AHCS is not directly responsible for the curriculum or competencies as these are established by professional bodies. Therefore, the role of this curriculum framework is to provide information on the required knowledge and skills to be included and developed in taught programmes to be a competent Clinical Exercise Physiologist in the UK.

Clinical Exercise Physiology-UK (CEP-UK) have developed a curriculum framework for an MSc Clinical Exercise Physiology degree that forms part of the Academy for Healthcare Sciences (AHCS) degree accreditation.

Information contained within the curriculum framework was circulated for feedback (survey closed 22nd Feb 2022) and ammendments were made before releasing this finalised version. See a summary of the feedback below.


For information on applying for accreditation for your degree programme please see the AHCS website.

Audience and Lecturer


Curriculum Framework Feedback

Website - Curriculum Feedback summary.png
Curriculum Feedback

MSc Clinical Exercise Physiology Curriculum Framework

This document details of the curriculum framework for the AHCS accredited MSc Clinical Exercise Physiology programme.

AHCS Good Scientific Practice

This document details the  AHCS Good Scientific Practice guidelines.

AHCS Standards of Proficiency

This document details the  AHCS Standards of Proficiency.

AHCS Standards of Education and Training

This document details the  AHCS Standards for Education and Training.

Scope of Practice

This document details the  Scope of Practice for a Clinical Exercise Physiologist.

AHCS Guidelines for Accreditation

This document details the AHCS Guidelines for Accreditation.

Framewok document

AHCS Accreditation

Want to know more information regarding AHCS Accreditation for Higher Education Institutes? 

Read all of the information above and proceed to the AHCS website.

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